Circus dance theatre by Martin Zimmermann
Buy ticketsCo–production
CHF 70.– / 60.– / 40.–
concession tickets starting at CHF 15.–
Age recommendation: 12+
Duration: approx. 75 minutes without an intermission
Next Generation Talents Wed. 07.05. | 6 p.m.
Gönner:innen-Lounge Thur 08.05. | 06.:30 p.m.
Introduction at 6:45 p.m. (German)
They swap roles, turn the existing order on its head and defy instructions. They are anarchic and wonderful. They are deeply comedic and secretive. They are wild and exquisite. And they are all Louise. In a curiously thrilling laboratory, absurd things occur, and a whole host of experiments are carried out using human material. Four artists (Bérangère Bodin, Methinee Wongtrakoon, Rosalba Torres Guerrero and Marianna de Sanctis) alternate between the roles of big boss, little boss, guinea pig, patient and helper, all in a place where tyranny reigns.
For his new play «Louise», Martin Zimmermann was inspired by the artist Louise Bourgeois. In a thrilling role-play, his protagonists cover their tracks to save their own skins. With their incredible strength, raging anger, offbeat humour, glamour and lust for life, they give tyranny a proper slap in the face. With creativity and incredible commitment, they fly in the face of the abyss, opening up dazzling new possibilities in the process.
Concept, Staging und choreography: Martin Zimmermann
Created with and interpreted by: Bérengère Bodin, Methinee Wongtrakoon, Marianna de Sanctis, Rosalba Torres Guerrero
Music creation: Tobias Preisig
Dramaturgy: Sabine Geistlich
Scenery: Simeon Meier, Martin Zimmermann
Artistic and choreographic collaboration: Romain Guion
Costume: Susanne Boner
Light design: Ueli Kappeler
Sound design: Andy Neresheimer
Stage manager: Doris Berger
Stage design construction: Schauspielhaus Zürich
Costume and puppet editing: Susanne Boner und Schauspielhaus Zürich
Motorisation: Markus Binder
Equipment assistance: Noah Geistlich
Technology: Doris Berger, Franck Bourgoin, Jérôme Bueche, Ueli Kappeler, Mateu Pascual Labourdette, Andy Neresheimer, Jan Olieslagers
Production management and sales: Alain Vuignier
International producer: Claire Béjanin
Communication: Désirée Myriam Gnaba
Fundraising: Manuela Schlumpf
Technical Manager: Ueli Kappeler
Production: MZ Atelier
Schauspielhaus Zürich, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Théatre de Carouge, Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik, Theater Casino Zug | TMGZ, Theater Winterthur, maisondelaculture.de Bourges / Scéne Nationale, Le Manège-scéne nationale de Maubeuge | Kurtheater Baden. Dank an Kurtheater Baden | Tanzhaus Zürich | Theater Neumarkt. Martin Zimmermann wird durch die kooperative Fördervereinbarung der Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich und Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung unterstützt. Martin Zimmermann ist Associated Artist am maisondelaculture de Bourges / Scéne Nationale.