Im Fluss der Zeit
Sat 10.05 7.30 p.m. ZUGER KLASSIK ABO #4

Im Fluss der Zeit

Zuger Sinfonietta & Liv Migdal

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World premiere

The Zuger Klassik Abo is available for booking now. Single tickets will be available from Tue 20.08.

CHF 70.– / 60.– / 40.–
concession tickets starting at CHF 15.–

Recommended age: 8+
Duration: 105 minutes incl. intermission

Introduction at 6:45 p.m. with David Philip Hefti, Composer (German)


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Finnish composer Jean Sibelius’ only violin concerto is a thrilling, monumentally expressive and technically demanding work. Here, it is being performed by soloist Liv Migdal, who is seen as one of the most exciting violinists of her generation and has already delighted audiences far and wide with her impressive technique and immediacy – nowhere more so than in Sibelius’ violin concerto which covers such a wide spectrum of sound. A broad palette of means of expression is also central for Robert Schumann – a composer who went on a rollercoaster from one emotional extreme to the next. His third or «Rhenish» symphony is full of optimism and a love of life, yet still has its melancholy moments. The Zuger Sinfonietta will also be tackling this significant symphonic work for the first time, and to open the evening, there will be a new piece by David Philip Hefti, one of the leading contemporary Swiss composers. His new work, commissioned by the Zuger Sinfonietta, harks back to Sibelius, Schumann – and to Zug!

Director: Daniel Huppert
Violin: Liv Migdal
With der Zuger Sinfonietta

David Philip Hefti (*1975)
Neues Werk für Kammerorchester (Auftragskomposition der Zuger Sinfonietta), Uraufführung 

Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)
Konzert für Violine und Orchester d-Moll op. 47

Robert Schumann (1810–1856)
Sinfonie Nr. 3 Es-Dur op. 97 «Rheinische»

The «Zuger Klassik Abo», a collaboration between the Theater Casino Zug | TMGZ and the Zuger Sinfonietta, brings top-class soloists and varied programmes of the highest standard to Zug. Following the successful first season of the subscription, the Zuger Sinfonietta will once again be presenting carefully compiled music in four concerts this year, ranging from George Frideric Handel to Saint-Saëns and Poulenc to a world premiere by Swiss composer David Philip Hefti. Four internationally renowned musicians will perform as soloists, and the concerts will be conducted by chief conductor Daniel Huppert.

Further information and book your subscription here

Book your «Zuger Klassik Abo» and receive a 20% discount on all other classical concerts with the «Zuger Klassik Abo Plus». The classical music programme of the Theater Casino Zug will be published on Thursday, 13 June.

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