The game
Das Leben ist ein Kuhhandel – ein neues Spiel von trickster-p
sold outCo–production
CHF 40.–
concession tickets starting at CHF 15.–
Recommended age: 12+
Duration: approx. 110 minutes without an intermission
Language: German
Seating capacity:
max. 24 people
The event takes place with a minimum number of 12 people.
After the positive feedback received by the Eutopia project, Trickster-p deepens and expands the research on games as potential art forms: The game investigates the relationship between performance, game and society. The leading question is what potential might be revealed in the creation of performative devices that focus on these very aspects.
Long perceived as trivial and senseless, games have struggled to achieve the same cultural prominence as «legitimate» art forms. Only in recent times philosophers, sociologists and anthropologists made them the subject of serious debates newly discovering their impact and value also in artistic terms. Based on these reflections, Trickster-p creates a privileged space in which spectators can «play» the dynamics of complexity and, at the same time, build collective tools of possible changes.
The playground we are invited to interact with through The game is contemporary society itself and, in particular, its relationship with the organizational structures and economic dynamics on which it is based. How much can we participate in the game of the system we are immersed in, or how much are we being played instead? To what extent do we have room for intervention and change through our choices?
If traditional theatre performances allow us to experience lives we have not lived, games allow us to experience new and unexpected forms of agency.
Production: trickster-p, LAC Lugano und Arte e Cultura
Creation: Trickster-p
Concept and realization: Cristina Galbiati und Ilija Luginbühl
Artistic collaboration: Maria Da Silva, Yves Regenass
Game Designer: Pietro Polsinelli
Music: Zeno Gabaglio
Oeil extèrieur: Martina Mutzner: Martina Mutzner
Graphic design and Video: Studio CCRZ Photos
Trailer: Giulia Lenzi
Theater Chur, Theater Casino Zug, Theater Stadelhofen Zürich, ROXY Birsfelden, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, Triennale Milano Teatro. In Kollaboration mit Casa degli Artisti Milano.