Die Schneiderin
Gardi Hutter
Buy ticketsCHF 60.– / 50.– / 40.–
concession tickets starting at CHF 15.–
Recommended age: 7+
Duration: 70 minutes without an intermission
Language: Nonverbal
Meet & Greet with Gardi Hutter for all members of TMGZ ca. 8:50 p.m.
World-famous Swiss clown Gardi Hutter is bidding farewell to her character Hanna on a tour of Switzerland, and what is more, two of her four final performances will be in the Theater Casino Zug. After «Die Tapfere Hanna» (Courageous Hanna) in autumn comes «Die Schneiderin» (The tailor) in spring, and with it, an exclusive insight into the unique global cultural legacy that this clown is leaving us. And while Hanna may be bidding farewell to the world stage, Gardi Hutter will be back before long with a new show…
Gardi Hutter, alias Hanna, began as a washerwoman before coming to the theatre, as a secretary and as a prompt. In «Die Schneiderin», it is a Tailor's boards that mean the world to her. One glimpse through the keyhole is enough to give us plenty of material, as it were, as the dressmaker lets fly with her fabric scissors and causes a commotion. Spite and misfortune abound, and the abyss seems to open up in the sewing box. And with reels here, there and everywhere, fate was bound to lose its thread. Hanna’s workshop has a wheel of fortune, turning between the finite nature of existence and the infinite nature of the game. All performed by a timeless clown…
With: Gardi Hutter
Piece from: Gardi Hutter und Michael Vogel
Direction: Michael Vogel (artistsischer Direktor Familie Flöz)
Music: Franui
Animation: Andreas Dihm
Light design: Reinhard Hubert
Sound design: Dirk Schröder
Constructions: Urs Moesch und Fausto Milani
Costume: Anna Manz